What documents do I require to apply for your security courses?

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To be eligible to take the door supervisor or CCTV course you must provide the required identification below: (These are the same identification requirements which will be needed when you apply for your SIA licence)
You MUST have EITHER two identity documents from Group A

NB – At least one document must show your current address and at least one document must show your date of birth.
If you only have one identity document from Group A, you MUST have two documents from Group B

NB – At least one document must show your current address and at least one document must show your date of birth.
Accepted identification documents:
Group A

• Signed valid passport of any nationality

• Signed UK photo driving licence both parts required

• UK birth certificate or certified copy issued within 12 months of birth,but not a photocopy
Group B

• Valid EU photo ID card Valid UK firearms licence with photo

• Signed UK paper driving licence

• Marriage certificate or civil partnership certificate, with translation if not in English

• Certified copy (not photocopy) of a UK birth certificate issued more than 12 months after date of birth

• Non-UK birth certificate, with translation if not in English

• P45 statement of income for tax purposes on leaving a job issued in the last 12 months

• P60 annual statement of income for tax purposes issued in the last 12 months

• Bank or building society statement issued to current address,less than three months old. You can use more than one statement as long as each is issued by a different bank or building society

• Mortgage statement issued in the last 12 months

• Gas, electric, landline phone, water, satellite, cable bill issued to current address within last 3 months. (mobile phone contract INVALID FROM 31 AUGUST 2012) You can only use one utility bill in support of your application

• Pension, endowment or ISA statement issued in the last 12 months

• British work permit or visa issued in the last 12 months

• Letter from H.M. Revenue and Customs, Dept of Work and Pensions,employment service or local authority issued within the last 3 months. More than one letter can be used if issued by different government departments or different local authorities

• Credit card statement sent to current address in the last 3 months. More than one statement can be used if issued by different service providers

• Council Tax statement issued in the last 12 months Child benefit book issued in the last 12 months UK adoption certificate.